Rome’s Colosseum Hides Some Really Interesting Secrets

One of the main attractions in Rome is the legendary building known as the Colosseum which was one of the main centers for gladiator fights and other attractions that were popular among ancient Romans.

Also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, this building was constructed back in 82 A.D., and it is considered the largest amphitheater in the world.

Apart from being home to many attractions and sports, the Colosseum also had a couple of secrets that are not often discussed. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Fans Decorated the Colosseum with “Graffiti”

Graffiti were a part of the Roman culture as well, and the Colosseum was one of the main buildings that were scribbled with this type of art. Both gladiators and their fans left some messages all over the walls of the building.

There Was a Sea Battle

We cannot help but wonder how a sea battle could take place inside the Colosseum? Well, Titus wanted it to happen, and he managed to pull it off by somehow filling the building with water. He flooded the arena floor, and small ships were brought in.

The Colosseum Was Used for Parties

Some of the Roman Emperors, such as Titus or Trajan, have been pretty hyped about using the Colosseum for their parties. In fact, Titus made a party that lasted for exactly 100 days, and it wasn’t the longest one recorded. Trajan took the whole thing up to another level by celebrating 123 days straight. His parties included thousands of animals and gladiator fights.

Most of the Shows Were Free of Charge

Not many people know this, but people could attend the Colosseum for free. This was actually done deliberately as it was the only place where people were able to see their Emperor and witness him taking action live. Roman Emperors knew that things that they do at the Colosseum could affect the general opinion of them, so they kept the entrance free.

Free Giveaways

In addition to free entrance, there were also numerous free giveaways for the audience. People were often given drinks and food for free. However, Emperors were pretty generous from time to time, offering free money or even free titles to some of the people in the crowd. Once again, all these things were smartly pre-planned political moves that people loved and enjoyed.

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